eugene family ymca impact stories

Friendships, Community Formed at the Y

For decades, the Y has been a community hub and resource for Bernadette “Bern” Yap-Sam and her family.

Bern joined the Y in 2001 to slim down postpregnancy. To her surprise, she found much more than a place to get fit.

“The people at the Y make it such a special place,” says Bern. “I like seeing the whole range of people at the Y. From little kids coming back from the pool smelling like chlorine to people visiting the Y because they have been displaced due to forest fires and need a shower, the Y is a reflection of Eugene and a real sense of community.”

When Bern first joined the Y, she relied on Y child care as a working mom. Her son Sam grew up in the Rainbow and Friends preschool rooms, spent summers in Y camp, and even became a lifeguard with Y Associate Aquatics Director Victor in the Aquatics Center!

During her early years at the Y, Bern frequented after-work group exercise classes where she would work out alongside Y member Norma Grier. While taking classes together, their friendship blossomed.

“Friendships just develop in classes at the Y,” says Norma. “It’s amazing! You get to celebrate people and share all the big life things that happen. My experience at the Y is that people are there for me and I’ve been able to be there for others.”

In 2021, Bern asked Norma to officiate her wedding in a friend’s backyard.

“Norma is such a great person,” says Bern. “I was convinced that someone else had asked her to marry them before.”

In fact, officiating Bern’s wedding was a first for Norma, who got ordained online so that she could legally perform the ceremony for her friend. “It gave me great joy to be a part of a ceremony that honors a relationship that brings Bern so much happiness,” says Norma.

Now, two years later, Bern and her husband Michael are looking to purchase a house together, and the Y is a central part of their search.

“We’ve been looking for a place for 6 months now and we’re being really picky,” says Bern. “One of our main criteria is that the house has to be within a 15-minute drive from the Y.”

That’s because she visits the Y at least 3 times a week, staying active and connecting with others. She started practicing yoga with the Y’s virtual classes during the pandemic, which helped her stay fit, toned, and centered. She continues to take group exercise classes regularly and has just started to take up pickleball.

“Pickleball isn’t about if you win or lose, it’s just about having fun. I laugh with people of all ages and abilities who get up there and play.” Norma, an active pickleball player herself, is looking forward to welcoming Bern into the pickleball community.

Throughout all phases of life, the Y has been a constant for Bern. “It’s my community—my second home,” says Bern. “I just think the people are wonderful and friendly.”

March 8, 2023