Online Reservations
For our full facility schedule and to make online group fitness and pickleball reservations, click the button below. Use the FILTER BY option on the left side of the screen to refine your search.
Group Fitness Class Basic Information
- Classes are for ages 16 and older unless in a youth or family class or with instructor permission.
- Classes with fewer than 3 participants 1 hour prior to class start time will be canceled.
- Pre-registration is recommended to guarantee a spot in class.
- Reservations for Group Fitness and Pickleball classes open 3 days and 1 hour prior to class start time. For example, registration for a class starting at 3 p.m. on Friday will open at 2 p.m. on Tuesday.
- No-Show Policy: 3 no-shows within a 14-day period will result in being blocked from registering for any classes for 7 days.
- Please cancel any class you are unable to attend at least 3 hours prior to its start.
- Please send any request for an exception to the 3-hour cancellation policy to kayla.simpson@eugeneymca.org within 6 hours of the missed class.
- Click below for instructions on reserving spots in Group Fitness and Pickleball classes.
Helpful Online Reservations Tips
- To sign up for a group fitness class, use the EUG YMCA App on your phone or a computer/laptop using the Group Exercise schedule in Daxko Operations.
- If necessary, you may call the Y. Please only call if you are having technical difficulties, as our staff cannot always answer the phone quickly.
- Please note: If scheduling information does not display properly, you will need to update your browser's privacy settings.
- To fix for desktop: Settings > Privacy > Uncheck “Block All Cookies” refresh the page.
- To fix for mobile: Settings > Safari/Chrome > Undo "Prevent cross-site tracking" and “Block All Cookies” and refresh the page.
Emergency Closures
For the safety of our members and staff, we may close our facility at 600 E. 24th Ave in the event of inclement weather. Notification of a facility closure will be announced on our website, social media pages and mobile app.
- REGULARLY SCHEDULED GROUP FITNESS CLASSES: If 4J has a 2-hour delay or full-day closure, all classes starting before 10:30 a.m. will be cancelled. Classes starting at 10:30 a.m. or later will be offered pending the instructors safe arrival. Please check the EUG YMCA App or the online class schedule.